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Mammoth Ulthana - Tónleikar / Concert

ACT IN_OUT - Mammoth Ulthana - Herðubreið 23.04.20
Tónleikar – Herðubreið Seyðisfjörður lau 23.04. kl 20:00
Mammoth Ulthana er dúó pólsku avant-garde tónlistarmannana Jacek Doroszenko og Rafał Kołacki. Á tónleikunum á Egilsstöðum munu þeir flytja sett af nýjum tónverkum, unnin sérstaklega fyrir þennan viðburð. Tónlist þeirra er byggð á þéttum raf-lögum fléttuðum vettvangsupptökum frá helgihaldi. Þessi einstaka blanda verður ekki bara tónlistargjörningur heldur líka eins konar frásagnarhljóðleikhús. Hljóðið og ákveðinn dularfullur karakter frásagnarinnar gefur hlustendum tækifæri til að sökkva sér niður í hljóðheiminn. Hljóðverkinu fylgir videólistaverk eftir Jacek Doroszenko
Rafał Kołacki / electronics
Tónlistarmaður og hljóðkúrator. Rafael komið fram á hundruðum tónleika víðsvegar um Evrópu og Bandaríkin ásamt því að gefa út tónverk. Meðal samstarfsaðila hans eru: Z’EV, John Zorn, Steve Buchanan, Robert Curgenven, Slawomir Ciesielski og Raymond Salvatore Harmond.
Jacek Doroszenko / electronics, video
Hljóð-og myndlistarmaður, útkrifaðist frá Cracow Academy of Fine Arts og hefur tekið þát og komið fram á fjölmörgum vettvöngum :
Mammoth Ulthana is a music duo of Jacek Doroszenko and Rafał Kołacki based on a combination of traditional acoustic instruments, field recordings and various electronics. This blend creates a sort of unique and intense musical space build on a strong basis and filled with many unforeseen sound events. The band's sound style is based on a hypothetical tribe called the Mammoth Ulthana who roamed the north in a previous era when life was a struggle for survival. It was a community made up of shamans and paladins of Nature, where everyone gained the knowledge and power to maintain inner balance by entering the spiritual world of sound. The Mammoth Ulthana were mediators in their culture, communicating with the spirits on behalf of the community to ease anxieties, resolve outstanding issues, and provide gifts. The musicians have attempted to bring the tribe back to modern times, using the language of electroacoustic music and combining sounds created through modern technology. By releasing traumatic experiences that affect the spirit, they restore balance and bring the body and mind of the individual to wholeness. They invoke the supernatural realm to find solutions to problems plaguing the community. During the concert in Iceland the musicians will present a slightly different, more electronica-oriented set of compositions and video visuals by Jacek Doroszenko
Jacek Doroszenko / electronics, video
Audio-visual artist. Graduated from the Cracow Academy of Fine Arts. Recipient of Artist in Residence programs: Atelierhaus Salzamt in Austria, The Island Resignified in Greece, Kunstnarhuset Messen in Norway, Hangar in Spain etc. He has presented his works and performed in numerous venues. More information:
Rafał Kołacki / electronics
Musician (Mammoth Ulthana, Hati, Innercity Ensemble, T’ien Lai) and sound curator (CoCArt Music Festival in Torun). He has done hundreds of concerts in Europe and the U.S. and created dozens of music publishing. He collaborated with such renowned artists as Z’EV, John Zorn, Steve Buchanan, Robert Curgenven, Slawomir Ciesielski, and Raymond Salvatore Harmon.
More about the band
Tónleikarnir eru hluti af ACT IN OUTverkefninu/ the concert is a part of the ACT IN_OUT project.
ACT IN_OUT er samstarfsverkefni Sláturhússins (MMF), Art Art Factory í Łódź - Póllandi, Carte Blanche leikhússins í Bergen og Visjoner Teater i Osló. verkefnið er til tveggja ára og er þrískipt: dans, tónlist og gestavinnustofur. Verkefnið er styrkt af menningarsjóði EES // ACT IN_ OUT is a joint initiative of the Art Factory in Łódź, Slaturhusid (MMF), the Carte Blanche dance theater in Bergen and the Visjoner theater in Oslo.
The two-year project is divided into three sections: theater, music and residences. The project is funded through EEA grant

That’s the Story of Pete Carroll

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